Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is it called when one phrase can have two meanings?

What is it called when one phrase can mean two things? For exaple this is a lyric from the song "Ho Ho Hopefully" by The Maine.

"She has a way of making things okay, when she's not around, I'm going crazy."

This can either mean "She has a way of making things okay when she's not around," or it can mean "When she's not around, I'm going crazy."

Thank you!

What is it called when one phrase can have two meanings?
double entendre.. :)
Reply:homonym- identical words having different meanings.

example: mean (the average of numbers), or mean (hateful, malice)


pun- use of a word or phrase to suggest two or more meanings at the same time.

example: "she has a way of making things okay, when she's not around, I'm going crazy."

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